
Mineral Name: Zeolite

Mineral Name: Zeolite

Intercity Enterprises is manufacturer of Zeolite.

Zeolite due to their unique properties, including high porosity and adsorption capacity. Some common uses of zeolites include:

Water purification:

Zeolites are used to remove contaminants, such as heavy metals and ammonia, from water, making it suitable for drinking or industrial processes.

Detergent additives:

Zeolites are incorporated into laundry detergents to soften water and enhance cleaning performance by reducing mineral buildup on clothing.


Zeolites serve as catalysts in various chemical reactions, including the petrochemical industry for cracking hydrocarbons and in emissions control systems to reduce pollutants.

Gas separation:

Zeolites are used in gas separation processes, such as separating oxygen from air for medical and industrial purposes.


Zeolites can improve soil quality by enhancing water retention and cation exchange capacity, thus aiding plant growth and nutrient availability.

Animal feed additives:

Zeolites are used in animal husbandry to improve the absorption of nutrients, reduce ammonia levels, and promote overall health in livestock.

Radioactive waste management:

Zeolites can immobilize radioactive materials by trapping them within their porous structure.

Adsorbents for air purification:

Zeolites are used in air purifiers and masks to adsorb harmful gases, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and odors.

Construction materials:

Zeolites are added to concrete and building materials to enhance their strength and durability.

Personal care products:

Zeolites are found in cosmetics and skincare products for their oil-absorbing and skin-smoothing properties.

Intercity Enterprises, Chennai – India is a manufacturer of Zeolite, which is tailor made as per customer specific requirements.