
Mineral Name: Baryte, Barite powder (BaSO4)

Chemical properties:

Moh’s hardness Cleavage Occurs in Color S.G. Class Chemical characteristics
3 Three cleavages meet at 90°. Especially in sedimentary rocks. White 4.5 Sulfates Alkaline earths or metals in combination with sulfate (SO42-)

Barite is a mineral having barium sulfate (BaSO4). It obtained its name from the Greek word “barys” which means “heavy.” Baryte is a nonmetallic mineral with high specific gravity makes it suitable for a wide range of industrial, medical, and manufacturing uses. Barite also serves as the main ore of barium.

Barite deposits can be divided into the following four main types: bedded-sedimentary; bedded-volcanic; vein, cavity-fill, and metasomatic; and residual. Bedded sedimentary deposits, which are found in sedimentary rocks with characteristics of high biological productivity during sediment accumulation,

Most barite deposits have low impurity levels because (a) deposits typically form as precipitates from aqueous fluids, and (b) barium partitions more strongly into the sulfate mineral than strontium, lead, and other potential impurities. Calcium replacement of barium is also restricted in natural occurrences.

Bedded deposits are  excavated  by  open-pit  methods.  The  deposits  are usually  widespread with  consistent  barite grades.

Vein deposits are excavated  by shafts, horizontal passage and  by shallow open pits.


Improvement of physical and chemical properties of  barite ore involves the following methods:

  • Flotation.
  • Heavy media.
  • Magnetic separation.

In processing, initial crushing is carried out if  there are impurities, such  as waste  rock or other minerals like fluorite, quartz, galena or pyrite. These may be separated from the barite by gravity separation, magnetic separation, and froth floatation. The barite is then either dried and sold as a powder, or processed further for particular applications.

Baryte uses:

Barite (barium sulfate, BaSO4 ) is an industrial mineral commodity that is used primarily in the drilling of oil and gas wells. The mineral commodity is also referred to as baryte or barite. It is a key constituent of drilling mud, which is the fluid pumped into the oil or gas well to lubricate the bit and drill stem, remove rock chips, prevent collapse of well walls, and prevent blowouts.

Other minor uses of the mineral include its use as an additive for friction materials, paints, plastics, rubbers, and other products; feedstock for chemical manufacturing.

Barium, which constitutes 59 percent of barite by weight, is used in ceramic glazes, enamels, optical glass, primers, signal flares, steel hardeners, welding fluxes, and a variety of other products.

Different grades of  Baryte (Baryte)ium Carbonate available at Intercity Enterprises:

We offer a Wide variety of

  • Barite/Barytes Off color/ half White
  • Barite/Barytes Snow White
  • Barite/Barytes Extra Super Snow White
  • Grey Barytes
  • Barite/Barytes Silica < 1%
  • Barite/Barytes Silica < 3%
  • Barite/Barytes Silica < 5%